Task 2.1 - Student's needs

I teach the "Microcomputer Equipment" subject in a vocational education course related to Telecommunications.

Resultado de imagen de computer and  telecommunications

The subjects that students have to cope with are:

-Common Telecommunications Infrastructures in Housing and Buildings

-Domotic Installations

-Applied Electronics

-Microcomputer Equipment

-Infrastructure of Data Networks and Telephony Systems

-Basic Electrical Installations

-Sound installations

-Closed Circuit Television and Electronic Security
-Training and career counseling

-Business and Entrepreneurship

The type of linguistic exchanges that the students need to use in the class:

(questions, answers, presentations, descriptions, definitions, narrations, problems, etc.) 

-Work with technology vocabulary and users manuals that are mainly in english language.

-Video-tutorials and presentations explaining technologic processes

-Speaking actitivities in groups

-Questionaries about installation and configuration processes

-Creating a vocabulary database for technicals terms


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