Task 4.2

The term CLOUD is referred to a lot of online services that are hosted on computers around the world and connected to the internet. The user can store information, use applications or request services from anywhere, furthermore the user do not usually knows about how and where  the information is physically.

The main advantages are:

-Costs: There are a lot of free services, and if case you pay for a better service, prices are lower compared to local services because hardware resources are shared between different users.
-Management: Online services are managed by a company and we don't need to be worried for the server and services management.
-Modern architectures: hardware, software and net infraestructures are updated to the latest technologies.
-Agility: cloud work allows to share information easier, and is the perfect way to implement co-working.

The main disadvantages are:

-Security: Our data is not in our servers, information can be hacked or the vendor company can spy our data.
-Lock-in: In some cases migrate to another service provider could be very difficult.
-Lack of control: The vendor company manage our services, we dont have the direct control over the system,

I use a lot of cloud services as dropbox, gmail, ... but for critical information I prefere store on my own server (inside my work place) or locally in my devices.


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