
Task 5.3

I work as an IT teacher, my students sometimes have to write in a blog, they can program a simple website and they use Moodle on a daily basis. I have a prefered CMS for every situation. When I need to create a fast website or blog to publish some information they can use "Google Sites", "Wordpress" or "Blogger" On the other hand "Moodle" is the best solution for LMS, I tried "Google Classroom" and although it is very simple, it still lacks power. We do not use Drupal or Joomla CMS, there are for professional and powerful solutions.  Students learn basic HTML and CSS to undestand some basic concepts. In my opinion is very important that they know how these systems works internally.  

Task 5.2

Comparing some websites using different CMS, I personally prefer Drupal and Joomla sites. I think these systems are very popular, thus with Drupal or Joomla we have more templates and options. PHP-Nuke is an old CMS system and in my opinion websites look so old-fashioned. The website in the example is not responsive (automatically adapted to de device size) and nowadays I think this is very important. SPIP and Zikula sites are very simple and templates are not very atractive. Websites based on "mestre a casa" are very similar and the do not use modern templates like Drupal or Joomla. I think this kind os sites are more focused on content and information than on the aspect. Finally Moodle site is an option, but like in the previous sites analyzed all web sites using Moodle are very similar and for a company we need be different and more atractive than the other one. To sum up, as IT Teacher having enought experience using some CMS, I prefer Drupal or Joomla for profe...

Task 5.1

Joomla is a wonderful content management system, I tried it a few years ago and it is very powerful. On the other hand, I think there are simpler solutions for teachers like WordPress, which although it is a blogging system, also implements a basic CMS. Joomla implements a menu system for a little complex. If you do not need a very complex website, I prefer Wordpress, and if you need a sophisticated website, you can try Drupal. This CMS has many add-ons and extensions, you can customize the look from the large list of templates and there are many resources to help you on the Internet.  

Task 4.2

The term CLOUD is referred to a lot of online services that are hosted on computers around the world and connected to the internet. The user can store information, use applications or request services from anywhere, furthermore the user do not usually knows about how and where  the information is physically. The main advantages are: - Costs : There are a lot of free services, and if case you pay for a better service, prices are lower compared to local services because hardware resources are shared between different users. - Management : Online services are managed by a company and we don't need to be worried for the server and services management. - Modern architectures : hardware, software and net infraestructures are updated to the latest technologies. - Agility : cloud work allows to share information easier, and is the perfect way to implement co-working. The main disadvantages are: - Security : Our data is not in our servers, information can be hacked or the vendor ...

Task 3.2

I teach Basic Vocational Education (F.P. Básica) Students at this education level are very demotivated and fustrated with the traditional educational system.  I mainly use collaborative methodologies. I work in groups very often, I use the  flipped classroom, and instead of explain a lot of theory I prefer the "learning by doing" technique. They have to interact all the time, and sometime we use apps like "kahoot" to improve the interaction with new technologies like tablets or mobile phone that they love. The main advantages of this king of methodologies are that are funny, fast, and you easily get their attention, but as a disadvantage I can say that the teacher need to prepare a lot of resources, have to spend much more time than with traditional classes and the use of new technologies inside the classroom must be very supervised.

Task 2.6 - Word Maps

Computer related Word Map

Task 2.5 - Corpora

Expression " at any rate " (whatever happens or is happening) Results from Corpora: